The project of reconstruction of the wastewater treatment plant in the settlement of Delnice was carried out. The sequential batch reactor system was chosen as the treatment method, which uses activated sludge to remove nutrients, biodegradable organic compounds and the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater.
The designed and executed automation of the system consists of:
Two-field pre-treatment cabinet containing a Siemens PLC configuration that allows automatic operation of the compact device, a touch panel for process overview and parameter settings, appropriate switching, protection and signaling equipment.
Main distribution cabinet with SBR equipment is composed of 3 separate fields and PLC configurations with application support for automatic operation of SBR operation systems, network and unit energy switching systems and SBR pool aeration blower operation systems, touch panel for inspection of processes and parameter settings, uninterruptible power supply and with appropriate switching, protection and signaling equipment
Automatic sludge treatment cabinet with PLC configuration for automatic operation of sludge dehydration system, polyelectrolyte preparation system and lime sludge treatment system and other associated equipment.
Signal control cabinet with SBR equipment with PLC configuration for measuring level, redox potential, dissolved oxygen, suspended solids and output flow. The cabinet also contains other appropriate switching, signaling and protective equipment.
Diesel-electric power supply unit in case of power failure.
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